Psychiatric Conditions We Diagnose and Treat

Here's a categorization of the mental health conditions we treat at the Joy of Life Clinic. We have listed the diseases into appropriate groups based on common diagnostic categories.

Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

These are conditions involving dependence on substances like alcohol, and drugs or engaging in behavior like gambling or internet use compulsively

Read more about substance-related and addictive disorders.

Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

These are disorders that occur as a response to a traumatic or stressful event, including PTSD and adjustment issues.

Read more about trauma and stressor-related disorders.

Mood Disorders

These are disorders that primarily affect a person's emotional state, leading to prolonged periods of depression or elevated mood, such as bipolar disorder and depression.

Read more about mood disorders.

Anxiety Disorders

These are disorders that are characterized by excessive fear or anxiety, including conditions like general anxiety, OCD, and paranoia.

Read more about anxiety disorders.

Personality Disorders

These are patterns of behavior and inner experiences that deviate markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, including borderline and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders

Read more about personality disorders.

Eating Disorders

These are disorders that are characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits, including anorexia nervosa, binge eating, and bulimia.

Read more about eating disorders.

Psychotic Disorders

These disorders involve distorted thinking and awareness, prominent hallucinations, and delusions, such as schizophrenia and psychosis.

Read more about psychotic disorders.

Developmental Disorders

These disorders are concerned with issues in development, including learning disabilities and conditions like ADHD and autism.

Read more about developmental disorders.

Behavioral and Emotional Disorders

These are disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence.

They include:

  • Conduct disorder

  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

  • Emotional dysregulation

These disorders usually involve children and adolescents. So, we do not usually treat these conditions as we treat only adult patients unless the disorder has been carried into adulthood.

Read more about behavioral and emotional disorders.

Impulse-Control Disorders

These impulse-control disorders involve difficulties in controlling behaviors that violate the rights of others or bring conflict with societal norms, often leading to distress and significant impairment.

Sleep Disorders

These disorders are concerned with problems related to sleeping, including insomnia and sleep disturbances that affect overall health.

Other Specific Disorders or Conditions

These disorders include a range of conditions not specifically captured in other categories, such as body image problems, self-esteem issues, and issues specific to women's mental health.

This categorization aims to group conditions by similar psychological symptoms or our treatment approaches, making it easier for our patients to navigate the services we provide.

For more information, you may go to the site map

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The Joy of Life Clinic - Baltimore mental health clinic
The Joy of Life Clinic - Baltimore mental health clinic


Solutions, not judgement

We are committed to you and your loved ones; we admire your courage in seeking help and we respond with unwavering support and personalized treatment.

Our compassionate care is aimed at healing and growth, breaking down mental health barriers, and celebrating positive change. Together, we'll journey towards wellness, guided by empathy and expertise.