Internet & Gaming Addiction

What Internet and gaming addiction treatment means

  • A comprehensive approach: We offer an in-depth analysis and treatment of Internet addiction, focusing on understanding the psychological, emotional, and social factors that contribute to compulsive online behavior.

  • Tailored interventions: Recognizing that each individual's relationship with the Internet is unique, we customize our approach to fit your specific needs and goals, creating a path towards a balanced and enriching online life.

What happens during an Internet and gaming addiction evaluation?

  • Initial assessment: The journey begins with a thorough evaluation to understand the extent of the addiction, including its impact on your life, underlying triggers, and any co-occurring mental health issues.

  • Personalized treatment plan: Drawing on insights from the assessment, we develop a tailored treatment plan that may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication (in very severe cases), digital detox strategies, and mindfulness training to help manage compulsive Internet use.

  • Ongoing support and monitoring: Recovery from Internet addiction is a process. We provide continuous support, adapting the treatment plan as necessary to ensure it remains effective and supportive of your long-term wellness.

When you should consider Internet and gaming addiction treatment

  • Impact on daily life: If excessive Internet use is affecting your ability to perform at work, maintain relationships, or fulfill daily responsibilities, it’s time to seek help.

  • Emotional distress: When online activities lead to anxiety, depression, or withdrawal symptoms in the absence of Internet use, our services can offer the support needed to find healthier coping mechanisms.

  • Desire for change: If you recognize the need for a healthier relationship with digital technology and want to regain control over your Internet use, we're here to guide you on that journey.

In today's connected world, the Internet is a double-edged sword—a source of endless knowledge and connection that can also become a path to addiction. At the Joy of Life Clinic, we understand the nuanced challenges of Internet addiction and are dedicated to helping individuals find a healthier balance with their digital lives. Our Internet addiction evaluation and treatment services are designed to address the complexities of this modern-day challenge, providing support, strategies, and solutions to those feeling overwhelmed by their online habits.

Let's explore how we can help you or your loved one navigate the digital world healthily and mindfully.

Embrace balance in the digital age: Your journey to regain healthy internet and computer use starts here

Our Aims and Objectives

Joy of Life Clinic SMART Goals (Internet Addiction)
Joy of Life Clinic SMART Goals (Internet Addiction)
  1. Restoring balance: Our primary aim is to help clients achieve a healthy balance between their online and offline lives, enhancing their overall quality of life.

  2. Building resilience: We focus on empowering individuals with the tools and skills to manage their Internet use proactively, promoting resilience against future compulsive behavior.

  3. Supporting holistic well-being: Beyond addressing Internet addiction, we are committed to improving your mental, emotional, and social well-being, helping you to thrive in all areas of life.

Our SMART Goals Defined

  • Our goals are Specific (tailored to your needs), Measurable (with clear benchmarks for progress), Achievable (realistic and manageable), Relevant (aligned with your personal mental health goals), and Time-bound (with scheduled reviews to assess progress).

You didn’t come this far to stop.

Believe you can, and you're halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

The benefits of our Internet and gaming addiction treatment services

  • Expert guidance: Benefit from the expertise of professionals specialized in addressing Internet addiction and its underlying causes.

  • Customized care: Receive a treatment plan designed specifically for your needs, ensuring that your path to recovery is as effective and sustainable as possible.

  • Improved life satisfaction: Through our services, clients often experience a significant improvement in life satisfaction, enjoying enhanced relationships, productivity, and personal fulfillment.

Your next step toward wellness

Imagine a life where the Internet enhances rather than controls your daily experience—a life where you engage with the digital world in a way that supports your well-being, goals, and relationships. That life is possible with our Internet addiction evaluation and treatment services. At our clinic, we're dedicated to helping you find balance, control, and joy in your digital interactions. If you're ready to transform your relationship with the Internet and rediscover the richness of the world around you, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Reach out to us today, and let’s embark on this journey together.

Psychiatric evaluation and management

We also provide these administrative services

Here're addiction problems we treat

And we provide nutrition and weight management services to make your well-being even more complete

Don't let life's challenges define you—or your loved one—we are here to help you overcome and thrive!

Here're psychosocial and psychosomatic issues we treat

We operate under the laws and regulations of the State of Maryland as a Maryland outpatient clinic.

The Joy of Life Clinic - a Maryland mental health clinicThe Joy of Life Clinic - a Maryland mental health clinic

We’re at your service.

The Joy of Life Clinic - Baltimore mental health clinic
The Joy of Life Clinic - Baltimore mental health clinic


Solutions, not judgement

We are committed to you and your loved ones; we admire your courage in seeking help and we respond with unwavering support and personalized treatment.

Our compassionate care is aimed at healing and growth, breaking down mental health barriers, and celebrating positive change. Together, we'll journey towards wellness, guided by empathy and expertise.